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“Lord I am struggling


I am a meal for mosquitos. I am struggling


You have asked me to dig up things that I did not even know I buried. I am struggling


I am pouring out over and over while you slowly pour back in. I am struggling… 


You are asking me to be still when there are things to do. I am struggling


You have given me these desires for the future that tear me apart with want. I am struggling… 


I want to love and pour into your children down here but I can’t even understand them. I am struggling


I miss home. I am struggling…  


I miss my family. I am struggling


I miss comfortability. I am struggling… 


I miss known. I am struggling…”






“My child, my daughter lean on me


Ask me to take the itching away, I want to protect you. Lean on me


I do not want you to live with things that you can not even see that are weighing you down. Lean on me


I want you to keep some of what I give you. Lean on me


You are running yourself ragged, rest with me. Lean on me


I give you those so you can have hope for what I am going to do, not so that you can escape with them. Lean on me


My love knows no barriers, I called you here do not doubt that I do not use you. Lean on me


I am your home. Lean on me


I am your family. Lean on me


I am your comfort. Lean on me


I know. Lean on me…”  


11 responses to “A Prayer in the Trial: 1/4 Psalms”

  1. I’ll never forget my first Haiti trip..hardest work I ever did, heat exhaustion, daylight til dark every night. Work lasted longer than we had planned on..didn’t think I had anything left for another trip, but I fell in love with the people, which helped me to fall deeper in love with my Savior! And after a brief rest at home, I was back in the country serving again! Hang in there Esther, God has a great work for you!

  2. thank you Danny that is so sweet! its definitely a trial but like it says in Romans i will praise through the trial because it produces perseverance and character. also like you said i would not change anything because it just brings me closer and more in love with the father! and thats worth everything i have!

  3. Typing through tears and fiercely praying for you and your team. Be strong. Be weak. Be what God needs you to be and be willing to give yourself grace in all of it. Your writing is both amazing and heart wrenching all at one. I wish I could just scoop you up and make it all better. I know that’s not God’s plan, but that’s how HE made me. Instead, I will remember His message to your – lean on him. Praying for you to lean in so far that you are practically absorbed into His beauty and grace so that you can rest and be restored.
    God Bless you, Esther!

  4. Beautiful!!! Keep pushing towards what God has for you. I love seeing Him use you in the ways he has.

  5. I am praying for you Esther! I know that God is growing you through these difficulties. Praying that He gives you the strength to make it through and do the work that He has tasked you with. Love from me and Mr. S!

  6. oh my goodness!!! this is so tender thank you so much! the Lord is so flipping good! and he has me in his hands so we are more than good and safe! love you so much!! and praying for you!!!

  7. King David would be proud… It is clear, like David you are a woman after God’s own heart. May He create in you a clean heart that you might not be ensnared by sin and may your soul feast and be satisfied with God’s grace. (Psalm 51 & 63)
    Love you always,

  8. Ah sweet Esther, such beauty in what the Lord’s teaching you. You are so known by the only One who truly knows you, the One who matters most. Xoxo