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“But when they entered, they did not find the body of the Lord Jesus. While they were wondering about this, suddenly two men in clothes that gleamed like lightning stood beside them. In their fright, the women bowed down with their faces to the ground, but the men said to them, “why do you look for the living among the dead? He is not here; he has risen!..” Luke 24:3-6 


Amen! He has risen, and what a gift! Honestly, I never comprehended how AMAZING Easter is. I mean, in my mind, Easter was a holiday where you got to get a new pretty dress, colorful eggs, and baskets full of candy. Yes, I knew that Jesus died for my sin and rose again on the third day, but I just never truly understood how special that is. My savior took MY place so that I may live. He bore incomprehensible torture and a slow death just so I could live with him. That should have been us on the cross! And yet he did it willingly… What?!? Why? Because he loves us? Because he wanted us? Yeah. Jesus didn’t have to die for us and rise again, but he chose to. God used Jesus to defeat death so that we could live with him. Wow! What a love! and the extra cool part is the power that resurrected Jesus lives in us!! WHAT?!? If this doesn’t boggle your mind, then I would research crucifixion back in those days. See just how horrific it is, and how Jesus willingly chose that so you wouldn’t have to! Wow! There literally isn’t a word that can even encapsulate how thankful I am for Jesus’ sacrifice for me. So, yeah, Easter is AMAZING, and we can celebrate it EVERY DAY, not just on Easter Sunday! So, as you go throughout your day to day, just remember the sacrifice that was paid for you! And that you get to celebrate that every day!! Until next time, Esther Collins.


2 responses to “The Tomb is Empty!”

  1. We can’t ever be reminded of this enough! Thank you for taking a moment to express the gratitude that we should all be showing every single day! Great reminder!